Montessori aktivitāšu dēlis: Beige busy board

€108.00 EUR €145.00
Color: Pink

Iepazīstinām ar rotaļlietu, kas ir lieliska jūsu mazuļa attīstības ceļojumam! Mūsu interaktīvās mācību rotaļlietas ne tikai radīs daudz prieka un sajūsmas, bet arī palīdzēs jūsu bērnam attīstīt dažādas kognitīvās un fiziskās prasmes. Šis aktivitāšu dēlis uzlabos jūsu bērna vizuālo uztveri, smalkās un lielās motorikas prasmes, veicināt izturību, roku veiklību un cēloņa-sekas mācīšanos. Ideāli piemērots ārsta prakses, pediatru klīniku, bērnudārzu un citiem līdzīgiem pasākumiem

Šo produktu ir paredzēts stiprināt pie sienas ar skrūvēm.


50 x 60


Quality and safety

♥ Handmade from high-quality plywood and painted with water base paint with UNI EN71-3:2019 certification

♥ Eco-friendly and safe busy board toy

♥ All elements are tightly attached with screws and glue

♥ As with any toy, please supervise your child playing with this toy

Shipping times and Costs

Your order will be ready to ship in 1-3 business days. We take special attention to time of dispatching.

Shipping times and costs:

Domestic LATVIA: 1-3 business days - FREE
Baltics: 2-3 business days- 7 EUR
Europe: 3-6 business days- 15 EUR
USA&Canada: 4-6 business days- 20 EUR
Oceania: 6-10 business days- 50 EUR

Provided by FedEx, VENIPAK

♥ Your package is tracked at any point.

8 Benefits to Your Kid

Our Busy Boards help toddlers naturally develop:

  1. Logical Thinking
  2. Fine and Gross Motor Skills
  3. Tactile Sensations
  4. Perseverance
  5. Dexterity
  6. Memory
  7. Сolor Perception
  8. Imagination

Why choose our Busy Boards?

Delivery partners

Busy Board in action

During play a Busy Board helps toddlers naturally develop a stack of fundamentals: Logical Thinking; Fine and Gross Motor Skills; Tactile Sensations; Perseverance; Dexterity; Memory; Сolor Perception; Imagination